Thursday, January 12, 2006

Coming Soon

This is the journal and creative exhibitionism of an insane team of comic creators trying to break into the field. Our journal will chronicle our efforts, successes and failures on this unusual path of expression.


ShellyS said...

Allow me to be your first commenter. I'll add you to my comic blog when I get the chance. :) It sounds like it's going to be a great project.

Jay said...

Thanks Shelly. Give me a few days to get the "creative energy" infused into this blog so it won't look so generic and we REAK with... errr... display our personalities and ingenuity!

Chris A. Tsuda said...

Yay! I can do a blog thing now! I've never done a blog thing. Hi to everyone out there in our blog world!


ShellyS said...

Sure, I'll give you a few days to make it spiffy here. And I'll get a link up when I can. Blogger's supposed to be down for a bit, so I'll try later tonight.

Jay said...


Chris you're a trip. (like I didn't know that already) I'll wave at our whole 2 blog visitors as well *wave* and hope they will return! (one has to, but she's married to me and I know where she sleeps)

Canuck Girl said...

Congrats guys. It sucks that the 6 book anthology thing didn't work out (especially since I want to know what happens next - bet you're surprised, eh Jay?). I am looking forward to your to seeing the fruits of your labours.

Jay said...

trust me, we're looking forward to seeing those fruits as well!