Wednesday, February 22, 2006

To color, or not to color... that is the question

Chris and I have been debating whether to do Lineage in full color, or whether we should be more modest and simply do black and white. Chris does incredible color, and we'd love to do the comic that way, instead of in black and white or greyscale. However, the reality of the situation is that we can not afford to publish this comic ourselves in full color. The costs are simply too high. If we are able to get in with a larger publishing house, this would not be so much of a problem... but with the probability being that we will be Independent Publishing our book, I am trepidatious about putting the effort into color that we more than likely won't use.

Holographic Explosion in ColorMadison in Color

I know we'll make it beautiful no matter what the final format is.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Waiting is the hardest part

The difficulty with registering for conventions is that not all conventions provide you instant feedback, especially when you have to be juried in. We are waiting, patiently, for word back from Comic-Con San Diego about our acceptance as a small press. We, however, need to reserve rooms and get plane flights... so at times, this means chewing on nails and trying to stay calm.

Ah well, the joys of being "independent" in the business world.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Comic Guys - Strip 001

How it all began!

Comic Guys - Strip001
All great things had humble beginnings.