Saturday, October 03, 2015

Adjusting the Posting Clock

The problem with being a one man art team is that poor Chris works himself to exhaustion drawing, inking, coloring, lettering, and posting the pages of our comic. My part of the partnership is fairly easy: I write plot, scenes, dialog, and character development and drop it in Chris's lap; then I get to edit the finished product (within reason); and finally I get to show off the comic to my friends claiming "look at my uber cool creation!" All the while, 99% of the effort is Chris's, and nearly 50% of the credit goes to me. It really isn't fair, but that's the way of things.
So here's the dilemna. Though I am a fairly competent graphic designer, and I can do some good illustration work, my art style is nothing close to Chris's. I'll be better off doing the equivalent of "fan art" of Lineage, or maybe we could say "another artist's interpretation" rather than try to lay my hands on Chris's Wacom!
So we're stuck with the reality that since we can't afford to hire Chris an inker, a colorist, or a letterer, we have to admit to his being Only Human! It is quite hard for him to admit, as he continually tries to prove the universe wrong by trying to literally draw his life into continuance without such meager necessities as food, shelter, companionship, WiFi (okay, not the last... he can't upload his art without WiFi... darn first world problems!).
Because Chris can not clone himself, nor does he have a time turner, nor can he thin dimensional barriers so other aspects of himself can take on some of the burden, we must move to an "every other week" schedule for posting page updates. We apologize. We really do. But we think it is better Chris maintain his health and sanity (both of which have been strained recently) by cutting back on the demands of weekly posting.
Lineage will post bi-weekly
for the foreseeable future!

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