Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Feel Like A Disco Ball!

Digital gaming addiction will do that to you. However! I believe I have recovered enough to move on and and pick up the pieces of this project to finally finish it. We will have an expanded story line! New art work! New colors!
I think something broke...
Anyway, enjoy this little preview of what's to come.


Jay said...


Chris A. Tsuda said...

Hopefully for good this time. =-)

Unknown said...

Hey Chris! Great blog. I hope the Muses don't elude you for a while.

Chris A. Tsuda said...

Me too. I think that now that Jay and I have complete control over this thing (no, I'm not a type A person) we'll be able to accomplish what we originally set out to do. I'm currently working on a new page as I post this and I'm really excited about the way this is taking shape.